Xpansion Code Radio

Expanding Your Business with Jan Cavelle

Episode Summary

Jan and I talk about the different ways that you can expand your business.

Episode Notes

About Jan

Thanks for checking this out.  I am a semi-retired entrepreneur from the UK with several decades of starting and in one case scaling businesses.  This was from kitchen table up as a single Mum. 
I have a passion for supporting other entrepreneurs who want to start-up or scale and have been involved in many campaigns to do just that through my working life.

I am now an author, with my first book out with Bloomsbury, Scale for Success and Start for Success out 25th January 2023
• T can talk of my own career, what worked and what didn’t in start-ups and scaling
• Discuss how to start to grow 
• Why the leap between 1-10m
• Discuss funding options, sales and marketing, leadership and culture for successful businesses
• Remind your audience of how to build value and why its so important
• Discuss why burnout is a danger and mental health risks generally to entrepreneurs
• Talk of juggling parenthood and entrepreneurship
• Why entrepreneurship is more vital than ever in 2023





I am inviting you to check out my resources page. It is completely FREE and has a ton information and some downloads. You can find it at resources.xpansioncode.com.

I have a YouTube channel that has snippets from my podcast. Check it out! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcVYzjRI9v-BCnSeB_mw-jA

I will be releasing new episodes every Tuesday and Thursday!